
Wake up Vikings…You won the game in La Liga Hielo against Logrono 7-6 (5-2, 1-0, 1-4), but they moving your Bus

Wake up Vikings !!!…. You won the game in La Liga Hielo but you might need to move your Bus….It is on the way with “Bärgningsbil” to a place outside town…The score against Logrono became a close victory for Nordic Vikings with 7-6 and much closer that it should have been.

In this game Vikings took an early lead to 5-2 in the first period… In the second they won it with 1-0, but in this period it is hard for me as coach to comments as the main part for me, was about to avoid that our bus was not transported away to “Yale”.. as it was put on the wrong standby place…. It is a little bit strange situation for Los Vikingos, and we have hard to see that this could happens if Real Madrid or a Champions League Team will visit the Town. However I think it will not happen that Real Madrid will visit Logrono, as the only Elite Team they have in their city is their Ice Hockey Team Millenio Panthers, who play on the highest level this year… Football, Baskeball and Handboll is still far from that level…. In the end thanks to the Local Police and the English Speaking Officer that finally understood that it was not smart to transport away the Bus. If I was in charge of the Town I had ordered the police force to  be more focused to cheering their La Liga Team, ….so if they instead just had went inside the Lobete Building  they have seen that Millenio Panthers from Logrono, did one of their best performances of the season….And was really close to take their first point of the season…. As Millenio after the 7-2 to Vikings early in the third came back from 2-7 to 6-7 with a great finish, and with a chance in the end to level the game… “Puh”..

Thanks to Millenio Panthers, and Oscar Pecina and Albert for the arrangement. The Millenio Team, led by their Finnish Coach Markko Sykkö – did not give up the game after the tuff start and battled to the end…It has been a tuff season for Logrono, but now after Christmas they have mainly started to play more and I think Markko has done really great due to the conditions, and by doing your best it is always possible that great things could happen. Hopefully this City also could improve their Attitude and Support to their Hockey Teams…because Logrono is a great place to play Ice Hockey in…

Best Player in Vikings voted internally was Alex Pedraz and the Legends scored the 7-2 goal, by Jappi who became the winning goal.. Now Vikings is heading for a busy week with three games starting with the Derby against Majadahonda on Thursday….



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