
The Professor visit China and Harbin






Nordic Vikings President and Professor, payed a visit to Harbin in The Spring, and gave some lecture at the University.

The Head Tema was the importance of the Protection of the Puck (or Ball), to all Students studying at the University Physchical Program as well as IIHF and FIB based courses where the University is the key point in China. It was nice to meet the Students and together we also had session working with the Ice Hockey and Bandy History in China. It looks like it could be a new book project with the University. In Harbin also all old Ice Hockey and Bandy players meet me up, connected by Sang Hong and Li Bin Dong.

This trip covered also some attention in Beijing, covering first some support to the Chinese Woman Hockey Team in WC in China and also ended the trip with with the University Tournament in Beijing, where Harbin University was representing China, and took their frist Victory over a USA Team.

Finally I was also paid a visit to meet Kunlun Red stars President Billy Yue a discussion that covered both Ice Hockey and Bandy, were Mr Zhu Zhiqiang also attended in his role as Vice President for Kunlun and President for Harbin University, Vice President for China Ice Hockey and President for China Bandy….

It hs been some exciting weeks here and I could just note that if you look at China in the Olympics 2022, all people work really hard on the Organizatorial level…and I believe the Red Machine will deliver it looks at least composed around the Beijing Area. However looking at the Sport side and especially Team Sport – I think Curling is fine, but in Ice Hockey it looks really dark from a quality point of view. Kunlun doing a big job with the top quality of the games, but if there 10 players with Chinese Roots get there Chinese Passports, I think the level will be a problem as China is currently 33 in Mens Ranking and Woman still is around 19. However Wild Card will probably solve the participation. but it is today harder to see any medals. It is actually a fact that if Bandy was an Olympic Sport, China could participate with the Woman Team, currently ranked 6th in the world and Mens Team who touched top ten last year in Harbin World Championship.

Even if all formal doors are closed for the moment tto the Olympics – I still think Bandy in the Olympics would be great for all parties, IOC, China and the World for the future. The thing I now about China is that they would like to help the World in this matter and could easily arrange it for example in Chengde, a couple of days before the Olympics will start.

As usual our Ambassadors Wang Long, and Zhang Yuan Hokay, supported me as well as Li Bin Dong and Sang Hong, so finally also Thanks  them…

… President and Professor Per-Erik Homström Nordic Vikings from China..






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