categoryInformation, News, Results

Spain won WC Final with 5-2, and goes to IIHF Div1 – in front of a full Palacio Del Hielo, Dorian Donath scored two important goals 1-2 and 3-2… He also got the MVP….

Spain won WC Final with 5-2, and goes to IIHF Div1 – in front of a full Palacio Del Hielo with a new audience and TV record for Spanish Hockey after coming back from 0-2, when Dorian Donath scored two important goals 1-2 and 3-2… He also got the MVP….


In this game Spain came back from a 0-2 start, when Dorian scored 1-2…. And then the important 2-2 came in the beginning of second to level the game… Then the Goalie Raul Barbo – took a penalty and did some other spectacular saves on free Croatian Players to keep Spain in the game… When Juan Munoz found Dorian with a marvellous pass …for the winner 3-2, I think 4-2 and 5-2 was just for the protocol in the end of the game – It was just Dorians day and has been his tournament, with some important goals especially 1-0 against Georgia, that also became a game winner in a tight game… But with not just goals, also a lot of two-way work… So, in a way it is logic that the winner was done together two hardworking two-way players as Dorian and Juan Munoz, that might have played his last games for Spain…. Due to his new job…

But Big Congratulations to The whole National Team and Spanish Ice Hockey, led by President Frank Gonzalez, Gen Sekr, Xavier Cherta and Sport Director Maurizio Manzi – Now coming back to DIV 1…. Not to forget all The Spanish Mens Seniors Clubs, behind this great Victory…. FC Barelona, Puigcerda, Jaca, Majadahonda(Madrid), Txuri Urdin (San Sebastian), Nordic Vikings (Madrid), Huarte (Pamplona), Millenio Panthers (Logrono)


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