categoryNews, Results

Nordic Vikings won their first “Rioja Game”against Millenio Panthers from Logrono

In the first “Rioja Game” of the season… Nordic Vikings won a comfortable Victory in the last game home before Christmas…

I have not to much to say about the game but today everyone game us Christmas gift without not commenting it anymore… Logrono Team came out with high press and rebounded to 1-1, before their point scoring was ended this evening. The Logrono team skated well and under Finnish coach they played Ice Hockey the whole evening, and after 2-1 …Luis Manuel Guerrero did his first goal of the season to 3-1…  In the second the Vikings came out with another 3-0… In the third both team added another period of propaganda and friendly Ice Hockey…. and the final score was 11-1 to Nordic Vikings


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