categoryNews, Results

Nordic Vikings won the Derby against Majadahonda with 2-0, (0-0,1-0,2-0) and won the Madrid Series

Nordic Vikings won the Madrid Derby against Majadahonda with 2-0, (0-0,1-0,2-0)… and won the Derby Series, Head to Head of the season against Majadahonda…

I think this Derby Game, did not come up as fast and not with the same intense as in the first two Derby Games of the season. In different ways might the importance of game for both Teams, played in here and … Majadahonda who still have the chance to reach the play off, needed the points and Vikings wanted to win the Madrid serie.. This meant that it might become a little bit of a battle in many situations with Vikings controlling most part of the game…

In the first period the play was a little bit to open… In the second Vikings took the lead in a power play, after Majadahonda lost a little bit of their focus, and took to many penalties. In one of the penalties Vikings could score a goal, actually a beauty with Andreas Eklund as the last on the puck, but with the set up from both Edwin Lindström and Pontus Vestin. In the third Vikings controlled the game most of the time and when Aki Virtanen scored 2-0 on his own with 6 minutes left, it started to look like it was going to be Vikings Day…

Best Vikings player today became Goalie Oscar Lööf who had 100% and saved the Team on several occasions when the game was even..and think he was the main difference between the Teams today…


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