
Nordic Vikings Players will Support the Hammarby Campaign to Div 1

The Main part of the Nordic Vikings players will support the Hammarby Campaign to reach DIV 1 the rest of the season… Hammarby is the third Biggest Club in Stockholm with a track record from the past with a lot of Championships…

The Players are 14 Robert Alvarez Holmström, who played a season in Hammarby J18 a couple of years ago, 19 Andreas Eklund, 66 Edwin Lindström all from Huddinge J20 Elit. The Group has now also been complemented with 20 Filip Lindblom and 71 Oscar Lööf…

Bruno Ohlson a former Swedish Majadahonda Player – who became Champion in Spain together with Kent Nilsson 1994… Says ” As everyone in Spain know… I have been playing and supporting Hammarby in my whole life – so it was a nice surprise to be reconnected to Spain again and I heard that the League is growing, in Team, Quality and Virtual Distribution this year… all in the right direction for the development of Spanish Ice Hockey”

Martin Jatko and Pontus Vestin will go to Leijon in the Northern Sweden, 55 Ludvig Bladh will go to Trångsund, 11 Aki Virtanen and New Captain 4 Morgan Chavez to Solna. 2 Aleksi Junninen will play the rest of the season for Hunters in Suomi-Sarja. 25 Marc Nauchoff will go back to Barcelona and 11 Andreas Andersson already is home and play for Örnsköldsvik in DIV 1… 22 Lukas Ribbestad and 35 Wille Kaukkila has ended their seasons.



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