
Nordic Vikings “Los Vikingos” visited Swedish School in Madrid to play “Innebandy”

When The Nordic Vikings on Tuesday evening visited the Swedish School to play “Innebandy” … They were first showed a Lesson by all the “Experienced” Swedish Innebandy Players in Madrid. In the two first sets the “Experinced Players ” was sharper and faster and it became 7-10 and 8-10… Then slowly the “Los Vikingos” started to get the clue and came back with 10-8 and 10-7….So Finally It became a Draw and to choose a Classic Norweigan Citat “If we where two more we might have dengt them”…. However the Draw was fine for everyone in this spiritual Swedish Sport… And Hopefully that late trend will last for the “Los Vikingos” also in the weekend also against Huarte from Pamplona in the La Liga Nacional Hockey Hielo…

From Nordic Vikings participated – Per-Erik Holmström, Morgan Chavez, Martin Kyrö, John Wedin, Pontus Edlund and Martin Kyrö… Thanks to all Swedish “Experienced” Innebandy Players….with nestor Rickard Romander


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