
Nordic Vikings is leading the ALIH

Nordic Vikings is leading the Asia League Ice Hockey. Report from General Manager Shin Yahata Larsson and Headcoach Jarmo Jamalainen

It was really a tuff first weekend in the League for us but we manage to come out of it quit well and with 2 Victories we are in the the Top of the League already after the first Weekend. And also Fredrik Näswall the best Point Scorer for the moment but both the game as such was pretty even.

Harbin 1 – Nordic Vikings 5
Harbin Team came out quit offensive and with some luck we manage to make the first goal early and could live on that most part of the game. Harbin had their chances to level the game but a long shift for one of the Chinese lines really started to broke the Chinese Wall. The difrent between the team this day was mainly the Goalies where Peter Andersson played extremely well.

Qiqihar 3 – Nordic Vikings 5
If you look at the result it looks like the game was harder and in many ways it was. However  I think we controlled the game and played much better this game but the Qiqiqhar Swedish Goalie Fredrik Engman keept them into the game a long time. Qiqihar played more defensive than expected but manage to do the first goal in an counterattack and later they also manage to level the game. In the beginning of third Vikings scored 3 goals and looked to be safe home for the day, but Qiqiqhar scored another goal and the offer for more was out.  But in the end   Vikings goalie Tommi Kela had closed the door for the evening.

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