Asia League Ice Hockey; Nordic Vikings defeated by Kokudo-Vikings 7-1
Report from Jarmo Jamalainen
This was not the way we wanted to finish our last game here in Japan but today we was an empty team from the start. Half the team came out from stomach probleme with no sleep the night before…And we could just put up one goalie for the game today and had to put in Fredrik Näsvall in the goal when Peter Andersson get hit by a Kokudo player in the end of the second period… However this was our last game before Christmas and if we look back it has been an autumm with a fantastic result so far for the team. We should go home now and prepare us for the rest of the season and forget this game as soon as possible….See you after Christmas
A “Magic” weekend for Ice Hockey in Madrid…
The Hockey weekend in Madrid become almost “Magic”….the whole weekend… When Majadahonda met PUIGCERDÀ in the La Liga Play Off Madrid, series after two tuff losses in PUIGCERDÀ last weekend,…