
Next Defenseman to sign is Morgan Chavez, a Swedish Colombian player who had his main young hockey education in Nacka

Morgan Chavez, is a Swedish Colombian player who had his main young hockey education in Nacka. Morgan has been involved in the Nordic Vikings Spanish and Latino Group since the first Colombian Camp in Sweden 2017. He has also been involved in Nordic Vikings Inline Teams and was also among the players who went to the Prague Camp 2018. He has been playing his Junior years in several Clubs with Hammarby as his last Club.

“I am really happy to get this opportunity to study and combine Ice Hockey in a country where I also can practice the Spanish Language. I met the Spanish Federation already last year on their investigation and listening carefully on their visions to build up the league which is really serious ” says Morgan Chavez

“We have had the eyes on Morgan for several years and wanted to give him the opportunity in this team as he has always been a very supportive person and also as he has this Spanish and Latino Connections . On the Ice we see him mostly as a defensive defense men and a good team player, but we also believe he will play an important role in the team, also outside the rink, with his fluent Spanish Speaking. I think also Morgan is a good Raw model produced in the Swedish Hockey System  ” Says Per-Erik Holmström

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