
Mr Zhang Yuan and Mr Owe Andersson, Honourable Members of Nordic Vikings

Mr Zhang Yuan and Mr Owe Andersson, Honourable Members of Nordic Vikings. 

In conjunction with Nordic Vikings AGM 2013, held in Radisson Beijing 2013-02-27Mr Owe Andersson and Zhang Yuan was voted in to be “Honourable forever Members of the Board”  . 

Mr Andersson, was the front figure and key driver of the team entrance in Beijing and Asia League 2005. He did especially well in saving the team during the hard times 2005.

Mr Zhang Yuan, known as Hosa and Hokay, Without his effort nothing had been possible for Vikings 2005. He helped tremendous with the Audience and built an Arena for Vikings for Vikings ready early 2006. He has held the Nordic Vikings fire, in Hokay, in Beijing the last years. 

They are worthy members, Sport and Ice Hockey Lowers, with a special spirit. Since start in 2005, they have been contributors to the modern start of Ice Hockey in Beijing. 

Chairman Nordic Vikings Per-Erik Holmström

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