
Merry Christmas from Santa to La Liga Hielo ….. Honourable Chairman Owe Andersson

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Vikings to La Liga Hielo – from Owe Andersson

Since the last Report Majadahonda have played 2 more games – first in Jaca, a very good and exciting Hockey Game where Majadahonda finally lost 1-3 in front of over 1.000 Spectators. I think Majadahonda  actually was the best team in that game, but lost it due to that they won the shoots. In this game both Arkaitx and John played without any points. For Arkaitx it become a little bit “Welcome to the League” when Jaca put in some late tackles. In this game the Referees was a little bit too soft in favour for the Jaca Team in my opinion. However in the weekend after John started the scoring against Millenio (Logrono) in the win with 10-4 and have now done 11 Goals. However in both Jaca and in Millenio it has been fun to see the performance of Alex Pedraz, who have added a lot of points in both games. Both Swedish born Vikings Players should be back for the Away Game in Jaca the 4 January, and if Pedraz still plays and Cunming is ready for comeback after injury… it will be four Los Vikingos after Christmas.

In the same weekend it was also another top game when Puigcerda meet Jaca in front of 1500 people not far from French boarder. It also became a good and exciting hockey game, a battle with a lot of penalties – When the “smoke” left the Arena you saw that Puigcerda won in with 4-3 – and the race to be Regular Season Champions is still on, between these two Teams. Hopefully when we come to Play Off also in March Majadahonda will be in the Race to become “La Liga Hielo Champions”

…However due to that Majadahonda did a great Team effort last year – reached the final and almost catched the title – I believe they need a center to really be in that race this year as both Jaca and Puigcerda have strengthen their Teams – Majadahonda have strengthen defence with “El Matador” but they have also lost center Wilmer Andersson that did a lot for the balance of their game last season – So we have to wait and see if something happens in the transfer window before the new year….

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