categoryNews, Uncategorized

Majadahonda with John Wedin to La Liga Hockey Final against Jaca

Majadahonda with Nordic Vikings John Wedin to La Liga Hockey Final against Jaca…

In a dramatic 4th semifinal game against “Barca”… Swedish Wilmer Sjöberg did the overtime winner to 2-1 in the fourth game against FC Barcelona to win the series with 3-1. In the Majadahonda Team also former Nordic Vikings player John Wedin has been involved, and has started to add points in the Semifinal Series after his achilles injury late in the last season – that hold him out half of this season…

The Final will be played between Majadahonda and Jaca – and remind you that I forecasted this teams in the final before the season, with FC Barcelona as the most difficult team to forecast this year due to the very difficuld ice situation in Barcelona. So we really need to take our hat of for their Team performance this season. Also Txuri Hurdin have done a good season reaching the Semifinal, but it was more forecasted when they strengthen their team with new Import Players…

To comments the rest of the League Season. The Porto finally became fifth in League after a good second halves of the season, but with very limited players and playtime for the Portuguise players.  Puigcerda underperforming this year due to that they had Julian Edstrom and Ignat Zemchenko on the rosster, but also that was in my forecast before the season. Logrono had just another difficult year with their foreigners and Pamplona Huarte lost some of their young talanted players to other teams during the season which explains why their performance did not take off this year…

Now we are just looking for the Final and you need to hold Jaca as big favourites – but they also lost the best player in the League after Christmas. Majadahonda has waited since 1993 to add a new title to their belt….so if they just could start to smell the tittle, by a win in one of the first 3 games I think they will be dangerous, because they have a quite good balance in a team that are hungry for a title.

Hockey is Exciting – All the Best The Professor….





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