
Los Vikingos – lost close against Puigcerda, in front of a almost full House 3-6, (1-1),(1-1),(1-3) . New Game 16.00 31 October

Puigcerda – Nordic Vikings 6-3 (1-1),(1-1)(1-4)

Looking at the Result – Due to a lot of penalties Los Vikingos, fighted well with Oscar Lööf, saving the Team almost the whole evening, supported with a good team attitude and play – I think everyone should now that coming to play Puigcerda away, is one of the most difficult games in the League. We should not take up the referees, but on other places, the Refs would get an investigation with this type of a protocol – It became to much… and I feel it sometimes a lttle bit to play in a “organized crime”… So instead we focus on Puigcerdas Power Play, who won the game…. I think we had the chance to win it when we got 5 on 3 in the mid third when Puigcerda get a penalty for complaining – and if you not score on that opportunity the game could easily swing. and it did..

I think the expectations on this game had been huge, for the home audience – Puigcerda is a town who live on the love of Ice Hockey since almost 100 years, The town is a little bit like Swedish Leksand and Tingsryd… And I think the game gave the audience value for money it became exciting to the end.  It also became more of a battle than good play, but sometimes when the prestige is high it could happened… And the game was even until the end today.  Puigcerda won the game in the end in their excellent Power Play and I think we was the better team on 5 on 5. In my opinion they were given to much of this, but OK it is their home ground, and the League needs also the referees..

New Game today at 16.00, and do not forget the new time – the Summer is gone…

Before the Game as saw the young kids excellent training, with the same system as in Sweden – This is a town with Hockey Culture and I am sure it will come a new generation with good style – I hope the State of Puigcerda will support its team in the future,  and I hope they will start to understand that with “The Virtual Tools” the games in Puigcerda it is not just a matter for Puigcerda – It is a matter for the whole Spanish Speaking Audience in the whole world (500 Million) who also have an interest in the Hockey Sports – Hey guys the interest of this games does not just stay in Puigcerda – So you need to also clean up things around the rink with boards… So people also outside the Town could understand its potential… It is a lot to do here…



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