
La Liga Hockey Hielo Opening 24 Sep – Jaca vs Majadahonda 21.30 CET Nordic Vikings player John Wedin, will play for Majadahonda

La Liga Hockey Hielo Opening Day: Jaca vs  Majadahonda Saturday 24th September 21.30

Nordic Vikings who will not play the Regular season 22-23, but support the Majadahonda Team with Vikings Player John Wedin. Just before the weekend  opening we have captured John after one Majadahondas practices….

 Andreas EklundHello John you will be the only “Los Vikingos” in the La Liga Hockey Hielo this season… How is it and how is life in Madrid ?  John Thanks Andreas, life is fine here. I came back here one month ago and have got an own apartment this year and started the pre season. I am now working for the Club driving the Zamboni and drilling kids around the play in La Liga.

AndreasHave you done any reflexions from last season heading into the new one ?  JohnYes, we have talked a little bit in the Majadahonda Team of the experiences of Nordic Vikings last season – and in all they respected our way to play hockey and the way we worked and played with our team. The Majadahonda said that competition added inspiration mentally for their Team performance and development last season. I think my own reflexions here, not just from Majadahonda, is that “Los Vikingos” will be missed in the competition this year … For Majadahonda players and me it was special with “Derby Games” I think it will be missed and I will miss all of you as well…. Note: Nordic Vikings won the series 2 to 1 game in the Regular League – but Majadahonda (4th) still was placed before Nordic Vikings (5th) in the Regular League, and then later also really pushed the best Teams in the League play off and Cup…

AndreasPer-Erik What could you say about John in Vikings and now in Majadahonda ?  Per-Erik First about John, he was and will always be a first class player in its Attitude and I think he will fit in well in the Majadahonda Team as Carlos has built this very much on attitude. I do not know If you now the History, but Madrid and Majadahonda has won the La Liga Hielo just one time with Kent “Magic Nilsson in the Team, assisted by Bruno Ohlson and Orvar Stambert. However I think the main question is if Team be ready for the League or the Cup title this year ? and I think John could add to the Team strength… JohnWell it is still early, and in all teams early in the season it is always a lot of dreams – It was that also in NordicVikings last year as you know. But if I quickly look around what is happening in other Teams, of the small things I know and compare with the other teams in the league. Already last year Majadahonda took victories against all top teams – Jaca, FC Barcelona and Puigcerda, and actually also won against Nordic Vikings. I think the smell of that “it is possible” could be a good ground for inspiration for this young team and we will see how that is progressing during the season – but I am excited… Andreas – Yes It will be exciting to follow from the Nordics and I think all Vikings will support Majadahonda this year…

 John I also have some thanks from our Team from President Pancho, Coach Karlos and Captain Angel to the Vikings.. Per-Erik –  Thanks John, Well I start to say that we will miss all of you, not just Majadahonda, we will miss the whole League and all the Teams. I think I also could answer for all of the Vikings players – they will not forget this year in Spain and they will hold and tell their stories from the League to next generation… I guess like in China that some of the stories will also include me… However the best ones will always stay on the Road…

Pancho Perka what is your thoughts about La Liga this year ?  Per-Erik –  First it is great that all other Teams stayed in the League and I think it is potential for going back to 8 Teams, pretty soon. The League could strengthen its distribution, but many good steps was taken already last year… Going to the betting part. It is not always easy because we do not know all about players and exports yet… In Jaca you have the tradition and style, but with a new Coach, we just have to wait and see, but they will be there in the end i guess. In Puigcerda and Txuri you have two clubs with a great fighting tradition and when they have had great imports that has been enough to win the League some years. I think this teams are more dependent on their Imports to really be there so it is too early to say. FC Barcelona has always had a special style who comes from the basic Club Statues, and are Champions – but I have heard they have lost some players, so also here it is too early to say, but they will be there in the end i guess. I would say that a young Team like Majadahonda that has been together for some years and starts to smell the possibillities and get the confidence – is always dangerous for any competitor -but winning a League and a Cup is also not just about desire. It is also about winning experience ,culture and tradition in the end. But they could  take at least one step forward, and then they probably be there I do not think Pamplona, who did a great season with their young team last year are really ready already this year – but they have their young spirit and a good coach so you never know and they will probably take some scalps. Logrono is for me an outsider and it will be really interesting to see what Swedish Coach Åke Liljebjörn, could do for the club. As a world champion he at least know what needs to be done – but will the resources in players and time be enough ? I hope they take a further step in their culture this season, because the Team is an important brick into the League. Hopefully the City will understand this soon aswell…. So Let the The Play start… and It will be exciting to see….but the Heart will be at Majadahonda this year… and the Vikings will follow John Wedin,

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