
Happy Summer 2014

Nordic Vikings has had an extremily successful Spring on the Rink and we have also become some more Stockholders… Discussions about the future have started again….​
* After seven difficult years, Nordic Vikings Team did a successful senior comeback in China. We took two victories against the Chinese National Team in Changchun with 3-2 and 9-4…
Nordic Vikings – defeated the Chinese National Team in March after an adventurous trip to Changchun, 120 mil north of Beijing, with 3-2 and 9-4, where a bunch of Mora Players, led by Emil Lundberg and Alexander Ribbbenstrand and some AIK Juniors, played an important role togehter with old Viking Legends as Joachim Tangen, Viktor Koskinen and Goalie Peter Andersson. New Legends such as Sonny Karlsson and Robin ” Tumba ” Johansson also from Mora has been created. The 14 year-old Swedish born and Swedish hockey educated Chinese Daniel Chang, who made his first Senior Game as Playing Captain and Coaching Assistant with an interpretive role, to the team’s 6 Chinese  player, “And he perhaps learned too much on this trip “…….
* Vikings veterans took home FHL, Financial Hockey League, for the fourth time,
Some Vikings Legends and Stockholders, combined with some of the Vikings youth players and a Russian Hockey (Bandy) Legend played together in the final.  Here we could see the former NHL captains Kim Johnsson and Mattias Norstrom, in the opposing team scratching their heads and look like bird feeders after a Native American Pass (Indianare) which was the beginning of the end for “Capitalists” in the final ….
* Nordic Vikings Youth team, have largely done a grand slam in spring BST cups…
The younger team, took home BST Cup, age group born 2000, against many of the nation’s top players after six straight wins. In one of the winning games all the goals was scored with backhands…. They also knocked out The Selected Bauer Pre Camp Team the weekend after…
The elderly team, who probably had the toughest task this spring, was second in BST Cup for age group J 18, born 97-98. For this achievement must be added that we basically came up with players born 99 against several J18 players, born 97-98, with national team merits…so we finally get beated in the last game of the season.
*In all this four Teams we had a Chinese Captain, 14 years old Daniel Chang
So Thanks to all … I Guess we become a hunted prey next year …. On all levels …

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