
Fuengirola Lions won against the Nordic Vikings in Inline 17 October 8-3

Fuengirola Lions won against the Nordic Vikings in Inline 17 October 8-3…. In the Demonstration Game… and without help from Steven Gonzales and Fernando Gonzales the figures had been much more. Steven was the Captain and scored the first Goal for Nordic Vikings, then later also Martin Kyrö and Pontus Vestin scored for Nordic Vikings. Also participatning was Filip Lindblom, Andreas Andersson, Magnus Andersson and Oscar Löf, we also want to thank Alvaro, Martina and Lukas trying to help us out…

To say with some worlds – “Ja satan a Perkele” the Fuengirola Lions was really good today and the Vikings best player might have been the Referee with one assist”… We really thanks Jari Nyman and Petri Rantanen for showing us that also Inline could be “duro”.. says Per-Erik Holmström….

Finally I would say this was a great day for Hockey Interested People – and I would say about the Club that Jari and Petri built up… Is a Hockey Club for everyone, with over 30 Nationalities playing Inline together… Who could know that a Nordic Team could lose, and be totally outplayed against a combined team with players from Argentina, Colombia, Portugal, USA, England, Sweden, Denmark, Spain and of course with some Finnish Players…. Well I can tell you It could happen in Fuengirola – but I can also tell you that we will be back….I hope you will be there next time..

Another thing to take up – was Steven Gonzales, Granada Grisslys support for Nordic Vikings, actually it was very close that Nordic Vikings should have played in Granada 2019, but first the City of Granada and then effectively Covid 19 has stopped the project there. However Steven love hockey and I think no one has done more for the Hockey in the Andalusian Region than him, putting up the Rink Igloo – with own money, putting up the Granada Grissly Woman Team and also a boys Team playing Nacional… Yes he has the Canadian Spirit, and it could be tuff to meet him on ice or in inline from time to time with his temper – but without him the project in Granada had been nothing… And sometimes I wonder what people are built of to not help him more and especially people who handle tax money… You re missing something here… I feel really sorry for you.. And I hope that all NHL Players in the Region could give him a hand because he earns it more than anyone else… Professor



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