Today Saturday 22 February 22.00 ”El Matador” plays in Madrid for the First Time 22.00…
He and John Wedin will also play on Sunday 23 February 13.00. The Games are of a more Academic Character and with Majadahonda Team as clear favourites – However, Majadahonda has done a quite good season and have already secured the third spot in the League.
The Play Off for Majadahonda will start Next Weekend in PUIGCERDÀ 1 and 2 March with 2 Games – before the Play Off will reach Madrid 7 and might 8 (4th game). In the series best of 5.
Looking at the Results and Teams in Play Off… I have to let Majadahonda become underdogs in the Play Off… as both Jaca and PUIGCERDÀ have got almost double the points in the League… and both Teams are more senior and complete. From my point of view Majadahonda miss at least a stable two-way centreman to be really compete in the “Battle of Spain”….
However, you should not count out Fernando Maquedas “Young Guns” and their “Force and Spirit”… They showed already last season they could do Miracle on Ice …. And I will be in Spain from 28th February to 14th March and see the first games in Play Off… I hope I will meet you
All Games at and TV
Checking Games and Times and Stats La Liga National Lotterias (Men) and La Liga Nacional Iberdrola (Woman)
Best Perka…