
Captain Andreas Andersson, goes back to Sweden and play DIV 1

Andreas Andersson will go back to play in Sweden for his Youth Club  Örnsköldsvik HF who currently fight hard for keeping their position in Swedish DIV 1… When Ö-vik asked about his service in November it was hard to deny him to go home – However it is also tricky when the Captain leave the ship in the middle of the season – But all players accepted to let him go home after Christmas and wish him really Good Luck with his new Task…

Andreas has been a very cruzial and central brick in the build up of Los Vikingos in Spain – He has driving the Team both on Ice and in the off ice practices as a Captain. Due to that he has been hard taken in the games and also had to fight with his own injuries he has really shown his strong personality here in Spain… Says Per-Erik Holmström


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