
Bronze Medal to Nordic Vikings in Swedish Speed Bandy Championship – Next is the support of Ukraine Ladies in Bandy World Championship

Nordic Vikings, took a Bronze Medal in the first Swedish Open Speed Bandy Championship Finals…

After collecting a Team with mostly International Players, we had a rooster with players from India, Colombia, China, France, Kameroon, Spain, Italy and Grecce. Zack Frost and Robert Alvarez (Colombia) Sebastian and Måns Sjöö (India), Daniel Zhang(China),Filip Lindblom(France and Kameroon), Carl Wassenius(Italy), Per-Erik Holmström Hannes Unneberg (Sweden) not on the picture due to injuries before the finals Arkatix “El Matador” Edgren Corral (Spain) and Kostas Psarros (Grecce). In the winning Team Gustavsberg we also saw Hannes and Linus Axell with games in Nordic Vikings. 

This initiative from Swedish Bandy Federation we recommend all development Bandy Nations to join… Send Teams to next years Championship, with a visit to the Swedish Bandy Finale….  

The Classic Swedish Final at Studenternas was won by Västerås SK (Men) and Villa Lidköping (Woman) . The Bandy Worlds Championship has now started in Sweden – This year Nordic Vikings will support – Ukraina Womens Team. see

And last to Mr Bach, Olympic President in IOC, it is time look up now… if you have any Sport sense left…

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