
Asia League Ice Hockey, Vikings closely lost first Play Off Game against Oji, Next game Saturday 18 February – Tomakomai 14.00, Also Als Scoreboard 13.00 China, 14.00 Japan/Korea , 06.00 CET Europe.

Asia League Ice Hockey, Vikings closely lost first Play Off Game against Oji, Next game Saturday 18 February – Tomakomai 14.00, Also Als Scoreboard 13.00 China, 14.00 Japan/Korea , 06.00 CET

Report from Head Coach Peter Johansson… In this game we had the lead almost the whole game but could not get the 2 goal gap and lost it in the end of the third. We had the chances to level the game in the end but instead Oji closed the game when we were two more on the ice. However in this game we showed everyone that we are on the rigth track again after the trip to Korea. The international referees also hold a much higher level than we have seen before in the League so today it is just to congratulate Oji. We have to forget this as soon as possible and focus on the next game on Saturday.

Report From CEO Per-Erik Holmström…..About Games in Beijing 21 and 22 February. In this play Off Series against Oji – Vikings need to win one of three games in Sapporo against Oji. The games in Sapporor is played 16, 18,19 February. For those of you who are interested to watch potential  games in Beijing just mail us and we put you up at the entrance list. mail to

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