Asia League Ice Hockey, Kangwon – Vikings 5-1 New Game Thursday 26 January 19.00 Chunchon. Also Als Scoreboard 18.00 China, 19.00 Japan, 11.00 Europe
Report from Head Coach Peter Johansson
Our first game in Korea became a loss. We were not in the game from the beginning and was two goals down after the first period. In the second we came back and should have leveled the game. In the third they won the game when they scored 3-1 when we have to play 3 against 5. We did a last attempt to level the game in the end and took our goalie off but instead Kangwon did two more goals. It is a new game tomorrow and we have to forget this as soon as possible.
A “Magic” weekend for Ice Hockey in Madrid…
The Hockey weekend in Madrid become almost “Magic”….the whole weekend… When Majadahonda met PUIGCERDÀ in the La Liga Play Off Madrid, series after two tuff losses in PUIGCERDÀ last weekend,…