Asia League Ice Hockey, Vikings took dramatic first Play Off Victory, after sudden death. and tied the series to 1-1..Next Game against Oji, Sunday 19 February – Tomakomai 14.00, Also Als Scoreboard 13.00 China, 14.00 Japan/Korea , 06.00 Europe.
Report from Head Coach Peter Johansson… I can tell you that this Victory feel very very good for us. It became a dramatic game in the end where we came out us a winner. After the early goal from Oji we were in the position to chase them the whole game and just only when it was 20 seconds left of the game an I had taken the goalie of we managed to tie the game. In the overtime our Captain Johan Lindgren managed to do the winning goal. We have had the marginals against us in several close games latelely and lost many games in the end therefore this victory was very important for us and as I see it it was our turn to win a close game and have the marginals on our side. The win means that we force Oji to come to play at least one game in Beijing… But first we have a new game tomorrow. So far all games between us has been close so it is important to wake up on the right side tomorrow as well….
Report From CEO Per-Erik Holmström…..The game win in Play Off today means that it will be at least one Play Off game against Oji in Beijing 21 February ( and still maybe also 22 February ) this season. This is the first ever Play Off game in China in Asia League and I hope as many as possible take the chance to come and support us…It is a great “live” opportunity to watch real hockey in Beijing… For those of you who are interested to watch games in Beijing just mail us and we put you up at the entrance list. mail to
A “Magic” weekend for Ice Hockey in Madrid…
The Hockey weekend in Madrid become almost “Magic”….the whole weekend… When Majadahonda met PUIGCERDÀ in the La Liga Play Off Madrid, series after two tuff losses in PUIGCERDÀ last weekend,…