Asia League Ice Hockey, Vikings – Oji Saturday 21 January 15.30 Beijing, Hosa Skating Center. Also Als Scoreboard 15.30 China, 16.30 Japan, 08.30 Europe
Report from Head Coach Peter Johansson
After two weeks here in Beijing we should be ready for the intense last rounds in the Asia League. This Saturday and Sunday we face Japanese Oji in Hosa Skating Center. On our side I hope that my team as soon as possible forget the close defeats over Cranes last weekend and are coming back on the vinning track again. Japanese Oji is a tuff opponent but we have already defeated them in Japan once this season and now is our turn to have the advantage of the Home Rink… See all Beijingers in Hosa Skating Center in the weekend hopefully both on Saturdy and Sunday.
Real Battle of 3 third place…. Oji comes from two intense games with Halla this week and this games against us are also very important for the finish of the League. It is a real battle for taking the third or fourth place to get the perfect Play Off position and start home the 16 February. As I see It now it seems that we, Halla and Oji are getting hard to reach Kokudo on the second place. Kokudo has two games left against Ice Bucks and should beat them and get totally 80 points. That is someting that Oji could not reach. Vikings and Halla could still reach above that but in practical terms it means for both teams that they have to win everything from now and it is a lot of intense games between us…
Report from CEO Per-Erik Holmström
Our Arena is brand new and problems with tickets due to the cuurrent regulations and restrictions on the Arena could appear.. But please call our Event Manager Joakim Karlsson on 13522524103 if you have any problems. Also for all of you that dont find your way to the Arena, The Fan Club meets up at W-Bar, Sanlitun South Road 120, Chaoyang District also on Sunday 13.30 and would leave to the Arena around 14.30
A “Magic” weekend for Ice Hockey in Madrid…
The Hockey weekend in Madrid become almost “Magic”….the whole weekend… When Majadahonda met PUIGCERDÀ in the La Liga Play Off Madrid, series after two tuff losses in PUIGCERDÀ last weekend,…