
Asia League: Qiqihar- Nordic Vikings LIVE Saturday 29 Octorber, Qiqiqhar 14.00 also ALs Scoreboard China 14.00, Japan/Korea 15.00 and Europe CET 08.00…

Asia League: Qiqihar- Nordic Vikings LIVE Saturday 29 Octorber, Qiqiqhar 14.00 also ALs Scoreboard China 14.00, Japan/Korea 15.00 and Europe CET 08.00…
Report from CEO Per-Erik Holmström
The Telephone system is not working perfectly in Northern China so It has been very difficult to get an Live report from Jarmo Jamalainen this week… So I will comment the game instead..The Team are now on tour in Northern China for 4 games against Qiqiqhar and Harbin… We are starting today with the Qqiqhar game that you as usual could
follow live… We are also very happy to be the best team in the whole Asia for the moment and will do our best to hold that position.. Qiqihar as a team have not won any game this season but they have been very close a several times so it is no easy games up there.. When we visit them a month ago they where actually leading the game for quit a long time…I have also worked very close to their Coach Anders Westerlund and know that he is very dangerous to meet especially
when he is not supposed to win games… So we have to be very careful out there today and tomorrow….

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