
4 Nordic Vikings players to inline World Championship in Asiago

After the success in Swedish Inline Championship 7 players was evaluated for the Swedish Junior National Team. Kapten Carl Wassenius, William Nielsen, Lucas Nordsäter, Kevin Lindberg, Robert Holmström, Hannes Axell and Chris Lundin. When the final rooster was defined it was 4 players there, Carl Wassenius, Lucas Nordsäter, William Nielsen and Kevin Lindberg, also Robert Holmström got a late final approval and in the end it was decided that Carl Wassenius could not go due to family reasons.

In the Championship all Vikings players contributed to an 6th place among 20 team and it was a close margin for the Team to reach the medalrace. – From outside it looked that the difference was the lack of the leader Carl Wassenius, however when I talked to the Swedish National Team Captain Anders Näsström, he was really happy with the teams performance and all Vikings players, and it will be a new year says Per-Erik Holmström.

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