
The Game against Txuri could be a emotional comeback for Andreas Eklund after the concussion

Nordic Vikings has been on Tour in three weeks but are now back in Madrid for the Txuri Urdin (San Sebastian) Game Saturday 13 Nov 15.15, In La Nevera Majadahonda….

After some weeks on Tour we will now play home two weeks in a row…. Looking back to our game against Txuri in October – I think we had the game, but it became to much emotions after the serious concussion on Andreas Eklund and we lost it by some mistakes in the end of the game. Andreas Eklund has been out since then but if we are lucky he could be ready for comeback to the game on Saturday.

Txuri has recently like we lost against Puigcerda who currently showing the best form in the League… It has been ups and downs for them so far. However as we have said before we are her for playing Ice Hockey and will do so also against Txuri.  I think both Mikel Mendizábal 89 and Jon Aizpurua 9 who was involved in the accident, with Andreas should been stopped for some games if a “Disipline Committe” have looked at it, but they still played next game…

But let us forget about that and we are looking forward to the Game and hope that we could keep a good play…






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